Supported languages
Last updated
Last updated
Flowriter supports generating content in a number of languages, and the Flowriter app user interface can be displayed in a limited number of languages.
Set your preferred languages in the Account / Profile & Settings menu. On the popup, select the Languages tab:
Flowriter can automatically generate content in a variety of languages:
Story titles inside in Epic
Step text and notes inside a Story flowchart
Acceptance Criteria inside a Story
Comments in Test Scripts inside a Story (test script source code is generated in Javascript)
While RTL languages such as Arabic and Hebrew are supported for content generation, the Flowriter user interface does not currently support RTL layout
If you manually create a Story flowchart in one language, you can generate the User Story content such as Acceptance Criteria and Test Script comments in a different language.
Flowriter will handle the translation for you.
For example, if you create a flowchart with English
text and set that Story's language to norsk (Norwegian)
Flowriter will retain the flowchart (and User Journeys) in English
and generate Acceptance Criteria and Test Script comments in norsk (Norwegian)
This might be useful if you need to generate documentation that targets different audiences.
The Flowriter web app user interface can be displayed in a limited number of languages:
All options except English are "beta" and may contain inaccuracies